Saturday, 8 June 2013

Dandy Shoe Care - Trickers shoes but not any Tricker's

I have sampled the patina art work by patina artist, designer The Grand Wizard of Patina from Italy aka Dandy Shoe Care, Mr. Alexander Nurulaeff made on three ordinary shoes by  Tricker's of England. 
The Tricker's company has been around since 1829 and produces rather heavier shoes more suitable for the country side and paired with cords and tweed suits they do look great. The Tricker's shoes are affordable for all pockets, so I think. 

The trick of the blog's theme is not whether Tricker's shoes, which are at lower range than Crockett & Jones (hand grade) for example, are as sleek as the hand grade line or any of the English shoemakers in that higher range, but a helping hand from patina Grand Wizard Mr. Alexander Nurulaeff's care and heavenly touch, they will look like bespoke samples from any of the World's best bespoke shoemakers - eh...hmmm.... maybe a bit of pepper and salt there to exaggerate a bit.  Well, after the dash and splash of patina handling and caring, they look like any high end product from any good shoemaker (Crockett and Jones, Edward Green etc) and even have a bespoke touch. Sounds much better.... yes. 
So?  A thought, get a low end good shoe and have it given a second look and life by a The Patina Grand Wizard. Now you are with me. Thanks.

Three pairs of Tricker's to be taken care off and given a new life by The Grand Wizard of Patina, a Penny loafer, a brogue punched cap toe Oxford with a medallion and braided tassel loafer. 
 The caring and caressing of the patina colouring in progress as seen on the tassel loafer in the middle. Transformation to a new life on it's way for these shoes.
The life before Dandy Shoe Care and after The Grand Wizard of Patina breathed new life into these Tricker's. Now these pairs of shoes maybe Trickers, but not any man's Tricker's.
Photos sourced from Dandy Shoe Care


  1. Thank you. With this article you made me this nice gift for my birthday!"
    I remind all readers of this Blog that the doors of the laboratory Dandy Shoe Care are always open for everyone!

  2. Hello Grand Wizard of Patina,

    Oh my, thanks for a very personal comment. Sire, Happy Birthday to you and hope you had a memorable day with Madame Nurulaeff and friends. I give three Hip, Hip - Hurra, Hipp Hurra and Hipp - Huuuuurrrraaaaaa! Better late wishes than never.

    It is me who has to thank you Alexander, as you are a gift to us and we need to spread the word.

    Have a pleasant day Sir & my regards to the Lady Nurulaeff.

    Humbly yours

    The Shoe Aristo Cat
