Monday 10 June 2013

Happy Birthday Dandy Shoe Care - Alexander Nurulaeff

This blog today is dedicated to The Grand Wizard of patina, designer, artist, creator. I just read on my blog that he (Alexander Nurulaeff) had a birthday and I felt it will be an honour and my duty to say Happy birthday to you Grand Wizard Dandy Shoe Care (Mr. Alexander Nurulaeff), The Grand Wizard of Patina. 
With the below depicted pictures, I wish you a Happy Birthday and let the works say and shout many Hipp - Hipp - Hurrays to you on your special day.

The Grand Wizard of patina conversing with a client.

The Grand Wizard (Dandy Shoe Care) of patina handling and caring for a client's shoes
Works of art from The Grand Wizard of patina
 Below are shoes which The Grand Wizard of patina offered a new second life! An offer that could not be refused or rejected.
Photos courtesy of Dandy Shoe Care and Permanent Style


  1. Hi Alexander,

    You are very welcome Sir and it's me that needs to thank you for the very impressive art work you do.

    Have a pleasant weekend Sir and greetings to the Lady of the house.

    Best regards

    The Shoe Aristo Cat

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